Sunday, December 21, 2014


In this new chapters of the giver  in the chapters 13 to 16 we can find info that show us of the pain fellings that jonas have or the giver show him new experiences of fellings like the one that he do to him of fire and jonas fill that fire hurts the giver to show him what is water and how it fell water. here is a quote "Oh , I rember the sunburn you have give me on the very first day" O think of an analizis i think that mjonas now is remember things that he like to make, and now i am see that jonas is liking his job and he like the thing that the giver do to him.jonas is not saying nothing to his family of his job and that shows that jonas will be a good reciver and he do not is broking the job rules.I predict that jonas will scape of the community with his real brother gabriel and i think that is his brother because jonas care about gabe and help him to malke good things.Now in this part of the book the family of jonas think that jonas have a very good job that he is not lieying and is taking his pills for the sterings.

In this two new chapters in the giver to talk that Jonas is see that the giver is turning old so he is helping him to not work so hard and Jonas do not make him work in saturday. we can see that the relation ship between Jonas and the giver is prety good and Jonas too is understanding what is the importance of the job and what do you have to do exactly, but he to have to understand the significant of lieying to another person because he can lie if he whant. Jonas when the rules say that lie he like say what is the idea of this job and he was scare. Talking more of pain now that jonas can see colors i say that when he can not he have to put all the same close all the days but now he can choose and he is free and that is amazing.Now i am liking more this book because  it every time we can find more interesting things that you see that are true and real. Jonas in a part of the book in the chapter 16 he help his brother gabe to he can sleep and jonas hive him a memorie.

in conclusion now the giver is puting very interesting and it is sying to me that jonas will discover all the bad things that the community have doing to him or is doing and he will scape and will live in the normal world like all the people normal.So to i think that this community or the people that do this is taking the life of peopel that what to discover new thing have to have much friends what to live they normal life.


  1. Joaquin, I liked your blog, but I think you need a Little bit more of the summary of these chapter, because it needs more information

  2. I agree with you that Jonas is understanding the importance of the job but I also think that Jonas sometimes is disagree with his job and the giver becuase of the pain he receives and some memories like the memory of warfare
